Friday, July 01, 2005

maggie lake's hair

I wasn't even going to comment on Hala taking over for Tumi, because CNN's (finally) wised up and put Hala on a permanent post with a co-anchor. We've always known she's --somebodystopmei'mabouttogush-- wonderful with a copresenter.

But, yay, more Hala.

On the other hand, does this mean the end of her weekend shifts? Hmmmn...

Anyway, last night's broadcast amused me so. Why?

- Guillermo is stalking Hala, I can feel it.
- Michael and Hala. The two have a good flow going on, a relief from the gravity of Jim Clancy (I had to do it. Mr.Talking Head did not amuse me last night.).
- The lighting of the studio's gotten better.
- Michael's mockery of Jonathan Mann's makeup.
- Guillermo's mockery of Michael's makeup.
- Hala.
- The remarkable lightness of Hala's clothing choices recently.
- Hey, is that a new blazer/suit jacket?
- Michael's tie. We know you're colorful, Holmes, but...
- The seaturtles of Oman story.
- Hey, Vic, how much do you love the CIA and Italian intelligence in their they said/we said fight over the missing Egyptian cleric?
- The prettiness that is Guy Raz. I'm sorry, but in my book he's less handsome, more pretty.
- Maggie Lake's hair.

Why, you ask. What was wrong with Maggie Lake's hair?
Try it looked like she just came from a very windy location. Maybe it's my imagination. But I saw her and I thought, um, do you need a comb?

Anyhoo, I love the Michael-Hala tandem. Not as much as the Hala-Questy pairing, but at least this pair don't aggravate each other on purpose.
**rofl, remembering Richard and Hala**

"I'm still Hala Gorani, last time I checked."
- Hala, after Michael starts signing off without referring to her.

Oh, post note: Local TV showed the Conan O'Brien interview with Anderson Cooper last night. My dear spiritual boyfriend. Neither Michael Holmes nor Guy Raz can compare to you.

One last thing: The Hala thread on the forum has become (much) less active since the new rules. See? I told you, our (us Hala fans') obsession is so thorough that there is a very thin line between serious and light topics we'd discuss about my (our) favorite anchor.

1 comment:

c. said...

Well the Hala thread is inactive coz I'm busy spitfire is off.., sunshine is off too but we'll change that soon ;)