Saturday, July 09, 2005

Live from London

Where to start with the London attacks. Well, my sympathies and support, I guess, to start with.

Moving on to more shallow matters.

Nice to see Zain on the not-so-twilight hour of HKT, but what the heck was the deal with her makeup? I love Zain, I do, but that was pretty bad makeup/studio lighting combination.

Lovely way to wake up: Anderson Cooper 360 on CNNi. Honey. :)

But, seriously, and I agree with Spitfire on this one: if you're going to use Atlanta-based anchors to talk about London, wouldn't it be wise to use an anchor who used to be based in London? Yes, I'm talking about Hala (duh).
And where's Questy?

Seeing Christiane, I recall what used to be on Vic's signature at the forum: "Amanpour is coming? Are we in trouble?"

Hopefully Hala will be on at her regular shift later.


Anonymous said...

I didn't think Zain looked too bad just a little tired which happens a lot with Zain. I bet she's got a very active social life, lucky thing.

c. said...

Questy was doing always the mornings now. Hey I agree Zain looked scary in the studio but today out at King's Cross. She's looking alright and seems like she got very little sleepy this night