Saturday, December 29, 2007

danger, Will Robinson. danger.

This worries me. Because as I've previously noted, Hala and Inside the Middle East seems to be polarizing without meaning to be. People react strongly to whatever the program presents, and no matter what they do, nobody seems to be truly happy. Or, shall we say, too few seem to truly "get" it. It's untold stories. Because different strokes and different folks, there will be always contrasting reactions.

So People of the Year? That's fine. That's great. Show the different opinions of the people. But the part where the IME team will share their own? That's worrisome. Because you just know someone's going to react.

And again complain about Hala being "too pro-Middle East".

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

not yet

This is going to be a poor excuse of an entry, but I just want to reassure everyone that I have not yet abandoned my blind worship of Miss Gorani.

But I must say this: reading other blogs that mention Hala, it's funny how polarizing Hala is. Some think she's too pro-Middle East, other too pro-Western World. All this while being a talking head and in interviews not reveal her own opinions to preserve her talking head status.

Does Hala carry a bias? Maybe. But this is blind fanaticism, people. Don't make me think about serious issues. This blog is all about how lovely Hala looks when she's in blue, and not about the subliminal message behind Inside the Middle East's programming.

Unless the subliminal message is Hala's continued maintenance of her weight loss.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

she's back

Hala returned to Your World Today last week in time for my birthday. Sometimes symmetry, in the realm of pseudo-reality, just makes kick-ass sense that way.

I can't give an accurate number regarding the length of time Hala was in Iraq, but you've got to admit, the woman looks good upon returning to Atlanta. And as I write this, Hala's on (with Jim) and they seem to be having a good time (how can they not, with a shift that includes a report on the lack of use of garlic in some places in Italy). Thank heavens, because Hala worship is a little difficult to do when she's in her Talking Head mode.

I just wish the snarky side of Miss Gorani would make a comeback, because she's tons funnier that way. But, alas, I (with I guess the rest of my fellow Hala-philes) would take whatever dose of Hala I can get.

Did you see her yesterday sharing a laugh with Jim about bottled water? ah, laughter. not the giggle-and-grin thing she usually does, but honest-to-goodness laughter. to something Jim said. It blows the mind because now I'm just being an ass.
It was nice to see her laugh. Can't accuse her of just being a talking head when she shows humanity.

So the question goes, will she even make an appearance in the upcoming episode of Inside the Middle East?

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Miss Gorani is in Iraq. Why?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

dear zain

Dear Zain Verjee,

I like you. I really do. I didn't really appreciate you before, and I think your current status as "State Department Correspondent" is akin to The Daily Show, but I really do hope you continue to do well.

But what the frak was up with your look yesterday? Maybe you were feeling a little 28 Weeks Later and overdid the makeup, the hair? I'll be honest, Ms. Verjee, that look frightened me. It worried me. It just wasn't fair to put you alongside Miss Gorani, who looked ready and able to do her anchoring bit. You're working at the top, Zain, and that look was just... It was all kinds of wrong. And as much as I can only imagine what it must be like for you to work in such a stressful environment, I know you can do better. I mean, when you were doing Your World Today every frigging day, you consistently looked professional and well put-together. Yes, the set and lights at the time were for crap, but you rose above it. So I know and trust that you can do it.

So, please. Please invest in a mirror for your reports from the state department.

And we look forward to seeing a better-looking, more polished you.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quest Me

I adore Jon Stewart, so when he forays into CNN International territory (okay, it was Anderson Cooper 360), it makes it all the more special to me.

Just briefly, can I just say that seeing Hala get away from those snakes in the opening spiel of IME? Precious. IT was hilarious how she was fine with one snake, but totally freaked out on getting a second one. Then again, one snake is easier to be frightened of than two.

Back to Jon Stewart and CNN International. We all know how truly and utterly British Richard Quest can be; and how much more British can he get when discussing Her Majesty, the Queen? Well, to illustrate the "proper" response on the Queen's visit to the US, Jon showed clips of Richard at his Quest-iest.

And it made me miss BizNews all over again.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Hala times two

Wow. I haven't updated here in a while. Dayum.

Since it's been a while, let's start with the fact that it's Inside the Middle East this weekend. Hooray.

It's also the French elections. Double hooray.

Since I worship Hala blindly, I can only say hooray for the double dose of Hala this weekend. But please, Miss Gorani, please don't ever use that ridiculous top with the ruffles in front ever again. Please.

And please tell me I'm not the only one who loves that Zain Verjee is now "State Department Correspondent"? It's so Daily Show, but so nice to see Zain put to good use and back on CNN International.

Oh, and, I have a personal want ad out for you, dear readers. Since the time difference does not allow me to view Hala when I want (also known as every single time she's on air), I have openings for people who want to hero worship blindly alongside myself. I would need sample writing(s), of course, but I'm probably going to say yes to whomever asks. As long as it's in the hero-worship vein of this.

Inside the Middle East!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

quotable Hala

As I no longer have the time to watch Your World Today as much as I want to (sleep does get in the way), it's always special for me to watch Hala. Even if it's with Jim.

And last night was special because Jim Clancy had a funny quip: After telling us all about the couple in Verona in a 5000-year embrace, Jim said:
"We don't even know if it's a male and a female..."
Jim! Are you developing a personality before me?

Not to be outdone, Hala had this to say about the same news item:
"If you can stand each other for that long they deserve to be celebrated."
Oh, Hala. I sense cynicism. The (cynical) force is strong with this one.

Then there are these two bits on "news" items:
1. On the bright light sighting in the US and the possibility it's a UFO, after a reporter states that until an alien lands in front of waiting cameras and does an interview with CNN, you will never know:
"I'd like to interview that person and call that person It."
- as I was not really paying attention, if anyone can correct this quote, please do. I love it to pieces.

2. And on the wallaby chase in the US (again):
"You mess with a kangaroo and put boxing gloves on him, you're kind of asking for it."

I loves me some Hala witticisms. :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

it was a good day for offbeat news

When Hala Gorani sings a line from The Police, you're glad you stayed up long enough to watch/hear her do it.
And to note that Andy Summers Stewart Copeland (thanks for the correction, Spitfire!) "had to watch footage from 20 years ago to realize they got along."

When Hala has to watch a report on the Kitty Washing Machine, you're glad she broke the talking head persona.

"Roger Fede-roach? That's even better than the report on the cat washing machine."
- Hala, incredulous on the report of a cockroach race champion named after Roger Federer.

I still don't know how to react to Liz George's hair.

Inside the Middle East this weekend.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Isn't it great that Hala has a whole new wardrobe? I love it that she seems to have a whole new closet full of clothes.

And the whole Beckham brouhaha was a throwback to the days of his transfer to Real Madrid. Hala showed more restraint this time 'round than she did then.

Which leads us to...

Despite the blog title, here's why I logged on: It's this screenshot, courtesy of Houston on the dotorg:
That just threw me off in a major way.