Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hala's taste in music

Edith Piaf, I understand.

@Spitfire: Okay, granted, she may have been being ironic/sarcastic/wry when she said she liked Def Leppard (see Vic's comment, which was my initial reaction). But, Abba? When she announced that to the world, I wanted to be Tony Campion and stare at her in absolute wonder, because, really, why?

Somebody should send Hala one of those annoying teenybopper questionnaires that ask for favorite color, favorite movie, favorite music, book, blahblahblah...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dunno, would Hala even dislike Def Leppard enough to bring up a sarcastic quip about them? Eurovision, I understand, but I'd like to believe she was being sincere about Def Leppard....