Thursday, November 10, 2005

what is andrea doing at the LSE?

What is Andrea Sanke doing at the london stock exchange?
I know I said I liked Robyn Curnow at the desk, but not at this price!

Jeez. I go to sleep for a few hours and there's breaking news.

Hala and Zain taking part in the Situation Room. Yay.
Hey... If Hala's in Jordan, that means she could be all over CNN for the next few hours.
waitaminute. I sincerely hope Hala wasn't in any of the attacked hotels.

So much for "heightened terror alert in China". Wrong continent.

Is Colleen permanently doing YWT? Do I really want to know?

I miss The Music Room.

If Alessio and Ben are two, who caps off Vic's trinity?

Oh, and I love the use of Google Earth.

Tina: My theory on Hala's sort-of spacey demeanor: I think she just got out of bed when she started reporting from Jordan. Maybe the explosions woke her up.

Vic: Yes, Shannon. Absolutely.
Hmmn. Alessio, Ben and Nic. We definitely swing on opposite ends of the CNN spectrum.


Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope Hala wasn't in any of the attacked hotels.

I'd expect you already know the answer to that by now. =| Isn't it a little too early for her to be in Amman? Then again, I don't work in broadcast journalism.

I miss TMR the show, but not Van Der Byl. I thought Shannon and Amanda were all right.

(And it'll be Nic.)

c. said...

TMR I miss that too! Just annoyed my friend about that again yesterday.

Uh, yeah breaking news: Totally acted like on drugs yesterday!

As for Andrea at least we have her back on CT today!

Anonymous said...

I used to abhor Nic, actually.

But we do share a dislike for Asieh Namdar. I just find it wrong to switch on the TV on Saturday morning, and then it's her. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Hala seemed high as a kite last night when reporting from Amman. I would put this down to adrenalin. I certainly have never seen Hala like it before.

Anonymous said...

A day without Hala Gorani is a sky without sunshine. Andy