Monday, November 07, 2005

Play it Again, CNN.

And again. And again. CNNI, why do you only play Inside the Middle East during its weekend run, and never again? Here's a tip: we (myself and the few people who read this blog) love Hala. So give us more Hala. Yes?

Did anyone else see the glittery thing masquerading as a ring on Hala's finger during her segment on Inside the Middle East, when she was interviewing the magazine editor?


Inside the Middle East was cool, as it had Hala, Monita, and Ben Wedeman, who for all intents and purposes means nothing to me. So, let's try that again: Inside the Middle East had Hala and Monita. Hala referencing Casablanca, nice. And I guess we all knew Hala wasn't going to do the Racing the Sahara story. That just wasn't going to happen.

Hala did World News this weekend, which I absolutely loved, just because.
Hee. Hala's filing system falls apart yet again. She's so adorable when she gets dorky, yes?
And when Hala tries introducing a story as strange as the Paula Hancocks' ravens report... Hala starts off with "I wouldn't be able to tell a raven if one hit me on the nose" and then tries -- and fails -- to be grave about it, as it's loosely related to the bird flu virus.

By the way, the Bird Flu special? Gross images. "Disturbing" doesn't quite cover the gross-ness of some of those images.


Last Friday Robyn Curnow did Business International, and I was riveted. Something I never imagined would happen. For a moment there, I was thinking, wow. This woman knows how to handle this gig. And her and Max Foster doing CNN Today (Monday last week. Or Tuesday. Something)? Not bad for a fresh pairing.

Oh, another good move by CNNI: Mallika Kapur hosting World Business This Week. I approve, CNNI.

And Spitfire's going to kill me for this, but I can't stand Asieh Namdar.


c. said...

LoL I'm with you Asieh can't even pronouce Nicolas Sarkosi! ...

As for ITME I don't know about the Asian feed but we getting a Monday afternoon re-run this week.

Oh and dorky yeah that's great!

Anonymous said...

No, no I'm fine with ya not liking Asieh, I still do. As the Middle East is part of Asia it's odd that it seems to be sidelined more for you than Europeans.