Monday, August 01, 2005

where in the world is Hala Gorani

Now I'm annoyed. Where in the bleeding heck is Hala?

It's one thing to not have Hala, another to see Colleen McEdwards during Hala's shift, and yet another to see Suzanne Simons (no, she wasn't on, but her showing up is usually a good indicator that Hala's away).
Okay, Zain taking over Hala's shift was wicked. I liked that.

I continue to hold out my opinion on Asieh Namdar.

Ahh. Zain. Wonderful to see you without Jim. And in good lighting, too. You're so pretty...

I miss Hala.

Now, I think I've mentioned my adoration for Sumi Das in a previous entry. Here's something from James Knine's site, and it's wicked funny. It's from Sumi's days on Tech TV, but what the hey. Click here.

I really, really, really miss Hala.


c. said...

Ditto.... well counting days til ITME now!!!

c. said...

I've seen the ITME promo :D It's coming from London this month... YEAH!!!

c. said...

She was on Your World Toay on Tuesday ;D

I really didn't expect her to turn up this early in the week... WOW!