Wednesday, April 12, 2006

long shift?

Let's go over this:

1. Hala was on YWT, Business International, and delivered the Headlines. (And, oddly enough, I did catch each one of these. I can only imagine how bad my zombie-like appearance and demeanor will be today.)
2. Hala's wardrobe: That's a white T-shirt, I can feel it.
3. Hala's wardrobe: Hee-- Pinstripes.
4. Hala looks thinner. Have I really been spazzing on my stalker duties and not noticed?
5. Hala did Business International!!! I don't care if it's from Atlanta, as has been done in the past. She actually said "I'm Hala Gorani, and this is Business International."
6. All we need now is to haul Hala off to London (or have Richard Quest in Atlanta) and seat them together and see if they still have that wonderful TV chemistry I loved them for.
7. One has to wonder: how interested is Hala, really, on the whole Venus satellite news? The woman barely fakes excitement during launch missions, especially when the news is on the delay of the launch.
8. Holiday (yay!) so possibly more psychotic Hala commentary over the next couple of days.
9. The other day, Hala and Ralitsa were discussing the American Immigration Law/protests, and they were discussing something I actually understood about immigration and Visas. What do you know: I'm actually learning something from work.
10. Fun part: "I'm American, I was born here." -- Yes, Hala, but we love you anyway.

Hey, Vic must be orgasmic about all the Vinci sightings on CNNI.

I think I'm going to hate the Revealed series.

And I think I've not only accepted, but also warmed to, the new look of CNNI.


Anonymous said...

Tiffany thinks Hala has lost weight. Well it didn't come off the hips. Hala still has very nice wide hips as seen in denim on the latest ITME. Splendid posting Tiffany by the way, your best one for a bit.

c. said...

10. Fun part: "I'm American, I was born here." -- Yes, Hala, but we love you anyway.

I couldn't agree more with this... the brain dead one who's just reading what people say but has nothing to add usually :P

Noor Al-Amal said...

I LOVE Hala Gorani.
I was happy to find this Blog about her. Good For you.
I put your Blog among the Good Blogs. Okey ;)