Friday, September 16, 2005


Did I say I love Hala in light-colored clothes and her hair messy? I meant to say I like her in dark clothes and perfect hair, pulled back and looking as much as a professional talking head as she can be.

Then, of course, our cable signal disappeared.

Stupid rain storm.

Who else saw that feature on CNN last Sunday, about the other possible worst-case scenarios the US could face? Woohoo, if I were a terrorist, I'd take that report and present it to terrorist camps: "Possible Terror Plans". Come on, CNN. September 11 happened because the terrorists were thinking outside the freaking box. Now you're just helping them come up with scenarios.

And (the horror!) CNN blasphemy from myself! I watched the BBC airing of the HBO documentary "The Children of Beslan" last Sunday. Sadness. Disturbing portraits of how these kids would grow up. After what they've been through, the Psych graduate in me can't help but predict their own vengeful future.
Why, you ask, was I watching BBC World over CNN International? Because CNNI didn't air Inside the Middle East again. CNNI can be such a tease.

We don't do sarcasm ever! - Hala Gorani

me: *rofl*

Yay, Tina's back. Somebody to share the pain of missing ITME with.

By the way, I love the new look of the dotorg.

1 comment:

c. said...

Yeah, isn't that great we both missed it and ppl telling this one really rocked.

OMG! Even Sunshine, who usually misses it, got to see it!

Hey, what have we done to deserve this?!