Monday, September 05, 2005

I cry

I didn't see Inside the Middle East. After waxing ecstatic over the promo, after surviving the company outing, after waiting and watching Anderson Cooper share tales of woe on the victims of Katrina, CNNi failed to give me my monthly ITME fix.

Why, CNN, why?!?

The weekend started out so well with Anderson Cooper, then as the weekend wore on I realize... waitaminute. I haven't seen Hala.


And locally, there's this annoying little ad for Liveraide that local cable programming has been interrupting my blissful CNN viewing with. Urgh.

They better air that Inside the Middle East episode, darn it. Like, oh... every weekend. :)
I miss Hala's days on Design 360, airing every week, and all.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about ITME. Ah, since Europe didn't get an airing either, that leaves us with hope.


BTW, Jack TV is now only exclusive to Sky/Home subscribers. Boo. I'll just sour-grape in the fact Colbert's leaving TDS anyway. Unless Jack TV also decides to air The Colbert RĂ©port. But I still won't transfer my DVR out of my room, since Sky inserts all those ads into CNN.

c. said...

Well, ITME is supposed to air this coming Saturday in Europe. I'm gonna miss it and can't tape it.

I hope you guys have more luck then me.

Anonymous said...

Tiff your so right, I can understand them pulling ITME from the schedule on Friday and even Saturday but on Sunday things had calmed down in New Orleans. Grrr! Grrr! Grrr!