Monday, May 09, 2005


Because Hala pissed me off by knowing who Katie Holmes is, I will talk about Questy first.

Why am I not surprised that for CNN's 25th anniversary, the story Richard chose to discuss is the last Concorde flight? I know I've often mentioned how Hala openly mocked his excitement over being part of the flight, but... Okay, it was historic (for tech geeks and Questy fans), but would it really change your life?
Ahh, fine. I'd love to have been part of that flight too, only without the other celebrities on it (Elizabeth Taylor? shouldn't you be, oh, i don't know, getting married?)

Now: Hala. Hala, how can you betray me so? Giving Katie Holmes' opportunistic behavior the benefit of the doubt? Is this because you like Tom Cruise (I sincerely hope you don't, because that would be so... American of you)?
Speaking of celebrities, I remember Hala talking to Christian Slater. Now, I used to have a wicked crush on Christian Slater (I'm over it, thankyouverymuch), and if I had any way to create still photos from the TV...
Aggh. Okay. Earlier (5am here) Hala was talking to some guy (their gossip guy or something from LA), and he talked of two things: Episode 3(!!!) and Tom and Katie. Now, I already know Hala has very little interest in Star Wars (not a fan, Hala? Talk to Monita, she might enlighten you on The Force ;) ), but defending Katie Holmes?
We need to talk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it eases your mind, I can tell you that when she did that, it doesn't necessarily mean she actually *likes* Katie Holmes.