Friday, March 18, 2005

Hala during daylight

why oh why is Hala on during my working hours? What kind of cruel God is doing this to me?
okay, drama much?

anyway. turns out Hala has been making broadcasts during the morning, local time. while i am at work.

you see, this is why i almost decided to work at a call center a few years back. i figured, with a night shift, i can watch CNN BizNews/Today. then Hala started hosting Business International, which i could catch if i rushed home from work. then she decided to move to Atlanta, and, okay, it was glorious, because she was on during weekends. And on the rare occasion i'm not completely exhausted, i get to see her when she'd do YWT.

Now she's on during daylight hours, and i'm at work. Hala, you hurt me.

But, mercifully, i have people who don't work during the daytime, or start moving late during the day, and i have them videotaping hala. and since she has someone to talk to (kristie lu stout, but any "co-anchor" would do), maybe hala would be more quotable.

now to view the tape...

sigh. to have a DVR...
dear santa, i know it's a little early...

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