Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Hala's so serious nowadays I find myself tuning her out sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I'm still an obsessed fanatic, I just don't feel compelled to pay attention to every tiny thing lately. I like the funny version of Hala. The wry humor, the dry sarcasm. The talking head version just doesn't warrant obsessive observation.

Huh. I'm defending non-psychotic behavior.

The past week or so Hala's been so serious I haven't paid much (any) attention this week (*ducks for cover*).
Because of this, I missed this quote, brought to us by BobbyBaby from the dotorg:
There was a pic of a pale, freaky looking tree kangaroo and Hala said "[that is] before make-up."
Heehee. Hala's humor. Miss it so. It's on display so rarely since she's been in Atlanta. (OMFG, she's been in Georgia for nearly two years! The London days are that long ago?)


Oh, right: Inside the Middle East. Umm... not spectacular. Sorry, Schams, but this month's edition did nothing for me.

But here's something, which only Vic is likely to understand: Coming from the country that had that horrid stampede of people waiting for a game show, I have this morbid urge to see if any of the international correspondents (CNN or BBC) will broadcast the name of the game show.

Where's Robyn Curnow? And is she still not a staff member of CNNI?
-- quickedit: Robyn was on yesterday for Business International. I don't agree with the outfit, but I thoroughly enjoyed Robyn talking to Robin (Oakley) :P
-- Hala was also in a considerably better mood, but I wasn't really paying attention.

1 comment:

c. said...

OMG! Good to know I'm not alone! I haven't really watched her too! Yikes... yeah non-psychotic behavior can be so scary :p


2 years? What 2 years?! Feels like yesterday to me!