Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Sunday Morning

last sunday woke up at 6am local time, groggily switched on the TV and lo and behold. Hala Gorani telling me of the latest international headlines. fought the instinct to go back to sleep and stayed up to watch hala end the hour's worth of World News. sleep came quickly the minute i realized colleen mcedwards was taking over the newsdesk.

gloating over starting the day with hala, i was already resigned to having started my sunday with hala. then night fell, and at 9pm Hala was back. Glorious way to start and end Sunday. this is the good thing about hala doing the news from the CNN Center (Atlanta, but they never seem to say it out loud): I get to see her do the news. with me working during the daytime, it would be near-impossible to do so if she were still in london doing CNN Today.

but i still miss her doing the 3-hour shift with Richard Quest. they are unmatched as a duo.

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