Because low necklines, I think, should be different for regular people, people who have the rights to wear low necklines, people on TV, and people on TV who should be taken seriously.
As one online writer noted, and even singled out Ms.Gorani as an example, of how even news anchors have been lowering their necklines.
I know I whined when Hala showed up in this:
and I recall asking if it can be deemed proper "anchor wear", with at least two people agreeing that it's too casual. And I realize that it's harder to be a female TV personality because you can't just go with the suit-and-tie ensemble that men can get away with, but she's pulled off being a fashionable-yet-discreet anchor for some time now. But I found her charming back when she was taking herself seriously (even if it's possible that she was just acting as a counterpoint to Richard Quest), and wore that awful awful checkered beige top (please don't make me look for it. It should be on some forum archives). And her clothes since moving to Atlanta have been pretty cool.
Which is why I take pause on her new, lowering neckline: She doesn't have to. I understand if she feels confident enough to wear it at that level, but, seriously; she's not on TV as a sex object. She doesn't need to play up the Pretty card to get people to watch. Or, more accurately, she shouldn't have to. She's a journalist, and despite the many detractors on her continued sometimes-partial take on middle eastern politics, she has been a pretty solid one, in my opinion. The fact that she's a pretty face just helps in taking in the chaos that is the world news.
What do you think?
(today's pix borrowed from the forums.)
I like Hala’s style in every way: in terms of clothes, hair style, that kind of familiar and relaxed way she faces cameras, the general attitude she has to people she talks to, her sense-of-humour, etc. It never bothers me too much the clothes she wears. Yes there are some I like seeing her with then others, but I just get simply content when she is ON TV, anchoring or doing outside reports.
I think she dresses more casual then other anchors, and I often have the sensation that, if she could, she would be working barefoot everyday, and wearing those comfort type of clothes she usual do when she is doing ITME. ;)
I don’t think that her type of clothes is that revealing. It just shows she has a beautiful neck.;)
The only complain I have over her clothes is that she has been wearing lots of black lately. Not that I don’t like, but its colour TV, and she looks great in other colours as well.
Sometimes I get tired seeing anchors dressing all alike. It looks almost like they were wearing a uniform. We leave in the 21st century, why anchors have too dress like their grandmothers and granddads use to?
I would like to see men dressed more casual as well. Why the tie? Some of those ties they wear are eye killers.
I think that we shouldn't read to much into the way Hala dresses. I very much doubt that she is of the kind who would let herself be guided by what producers want or what trends amongst news anchors are. And I think that her clothing style is as balanced as her reporting. Sometimes it is a bit more sexy and other times a bit more conservative. But it is never inappropriate or tasteless in my view.
This unlike some other CNN-anchors. *COUGH*Monita*COUGH*
Nine times out of ten Hala's outfits are fashionable and exciting but every now and then she's bound to make a mistake, like all of us. Yes, low neckline or other inappropriate attires pop up at times but that doesn't take away from the fact that she's an awesome reporter/anchor. But I agree, one more buttoned button wouldn't hurt anyone.....whereas the other way around could offend some.
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