Tuesday, June 06, 2006

heavens, no

Spitfire said:
are ya suggesting that Hala has been under the knife??? Well I can asure you she hasn't because last year on a WN after a report on cosmetic surgery Hala used the phrase "Non Surgically Enhanced" in relation to herself. Yes my memory is like a steel trap. LOL

Oh, Spitty, no. Heavens, no. I simply meant that Hala's been an advocate against cosmetic surgery. Of any kind.

In fact, come to think of it, Hala's an advocate against unnatural ideas and images of women. Yes, she's had her share of Barbie dolls (heehee), but she's been quite vocal against people who expect all women to be Barbies.

That's one of the things I like most about her (other than that cutting wit).

And we all know what she and Richard had to say about actors undergoing Botox treatment:
"So when you think the actors on screen aren't showing a wide range of emotion, it may not be lack of talent, it could be Botox."


Anonymous said...

Apologies for reading ya wrong. lol

Noor Al-Amal said...

I uploaded a Wallpaper of Hala Gorani with others wallpapers.
i scanned the pic from a magazine made an interview with her during her visit to ME. Hope you will like it ;)