This blog is fun. Fun. Logging in and sharing with people I'll never personally meet my thoughts and opinions regarding a CNN anchor (or other CNN aspects) is
fun. Yes, I know my crazy mind makes some of you wonder my mental health, but for me it's projection, not stalking.
Once upon a time, a couple of years ago, Hala was in London and she and Richard caught my attention because that kind of catty behavior between two anchors just wasn't heard of (for me, anyway).
Understand this: if and when I meet the woman? I wouldn't tell her I write this blog. Because that's just creepy. In fact, I probably wouldn't write about it. Probably. Or that'll be the end of the blog, for all I know.
Since the creation of this blog, and especially after the increase in internet traffic, I have received comments that are negative towards Hala. This is particularly amusing, because people can find this in very few ways.
1. Accessed and in one of very few forums (mostly Hala-related) saw my name, saw the website, and clicked the link.
2. Accessed Liz's website, and checked the links, and did the same.
3. Google'd Hala Gorani, saw the blog.
4. Blog searched "Hala Gorani" and saw this.
5. Checked other Hala fan forums and someone had linked to this site.
See the pattern?
To anonymous commenters posting anti-Hala statements: Dude. That's an awful lot of effort put in for an anchor you claim to dislike. Some of you are even passionate about it, even detailing her speech, and her reporting style. Now, what are you doing reading
fan forums about her when you don't like her? Ignore her. That's what I do to Shihab (to Shihab fans: I'm sorry). And Asieh (to Asieh fans: I'm sorry, too).
I've tried ignoring your comments, anti-Hala people, and the only reason I don't delete your comments is because, well, I'm lazy. And it's a free universe.
A friend tried to goad me by being anti-Hala, and boy does she regret it. (You know who you are, and you asked for it.)