Monday, April 18, 2005

christiane and liz

Hala being away has allowed me to broaden my horizons, so here are a few little comments on some of the rest of the pack:

- Christiane Amanpour: You get banned from Iran, you are chief international correspondent, you are the Queen of CNN. And you're funny - who knew?
"I have to stay alive now." - Christiane Amanpour, on how having children has changed her (The Tonight Show with Jay Leno)
- Liz George: I miss Liz George. I never really realized how much until I watched MainSail yesterday. She's so infectious, I found myself smiling with her. Now, Liz George reporting is a wonderful way to get your global tragedy. ;)
That sounds like fun. Max Foster and Liz George being co-anchors. I could dream, can't I?

Hala, where art thou?

Quick edit: Yes, I realize she may be off filming ItME. But it's so nice to whine and complain. Can't wait for May 1.


alexander said...

Probably she's filming the next ITME

alexander said...
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alexander said...

Yeah, I understand! It's the same I do when Richard Quest is off like these days!Where in THE WORLD is Richard?

c. said...

I'm with you complaining about that tiff and we're on page 2 again... :(