Wednesday, January 05, 2005

updating myself

Was invading the cnnfan module the other day, reading up on hala, when some things were made clear:
- hala's move to atlanta is (sob) permanent
- hala was born in 1970
- there are other freaks who watch cnn for entertainment value

so of course i joined the group.

Hala and Richard Quest talking about his inclusion on the last Concorde flight, 23 October 2003; on Business International:
Hala: who is going to be on this last flight?
Richard: ME!
Hala: (not paying attention, as she is reading her notes)
Richard: You were stunned into silence!
Hala: (realizing that his answer was really that short) Who else, Richard? There is a world outside the Richard Quest Universe! Let me just bring you up to date.

Miss them so.

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