I wasn't even going to comment on Hala taking over for Tumi, because CNN's (finally) wised up and put Hala on a permanent post with a co-anchor. We've always known she's --
wonderful with a copresenter.
But, yay, more Hala.
On the other hand, does this mean the end of her weekend shifts? Hmmmn...
Anyway, last night's broadcast amused me so. Why?
- Guillermo is stalking Hala, I can feel it.
- Michael and Hala. The two have a good flow going on, a relief from the gravity of Jim Clancy (I had to do it. Mr.Talking Head did not amuse me last night.).
- The lighting of the studio's gotten better.
- Michael's mockery of Jonathan Mann's makeup.
- Guillermo's mockery of Michael's makeup.
- Hala.
- The remarkable lightness of Hala's clothing choices recently.
- Hey, is that a new blazer/suit jacket?
- Michael's tie. We know you're colorful, Holmes, but...
- The seaturtles of Oman story.
Hey, Vic, how much do you love the CIA and Italian intelligence in their they said/we said fight over the missing Egyptian cleric?- The prettiness that is Guy Raz. I'm sorry, but in my book he's less handsome, more
Maggie Lake's hair.Why, you ask. What was wrong with Maggie Lake's hair?
Try it looked like she just came from a very windy location. Maybe it's my imagination. But I saw her and I thought, um, do you need a comb?
Anyhoo, I love the Michael-Hala tandem. Not as much as the Hala-Questy pairing, but at least this pair don't aggravate each other on purpose.
**rofl, remembering Richard and Hala**"I'm still Hala Gorani, last time I checked."- Hala, after Michael starts signing off without referring to her.
Oh, post note: Local TV showed the Conan O'Brien interview with
Anderson Cooper last night. My dear spiritual boyfriend. Neither Michael Holmes nor Guy Raz can compare to you.
One last thing: The Hala thread on the forum has become (much) less active since the new rules. See? I told you, our (us Hala fans') obsession is so thorough that there is a very thin line between serious and light topics we'd discuss about my (our) favorite anchor.